An Easy Way to Turn Regular Coffee Into Pumpkin Spice!

photo credit: m_shipp22 via photopin cc

No, this isn't a recipe for a pumpkin spice latte. It's a simple way to turn your plain old, regular coffee into the pumpkin spice flavored coffee that show up all over the supermarkets this time of year. All you need is everything you usually use to brew your coffee and a pack of pumpkin spice (this can be found in the spices section of the supermarket).

This tip is really too simple. When you're putting your coffee grounds into the filter, mix in about 1 teaspoon of pumpkin spice for every cup of coffee you're brewing. Another tip- to make sure the pumpkin flavor really stands out, try sprinkling it over the filter before you add the grounds. Then brew as normal and you're done! Now you have a mug of pumpkin spice coffee you can enjoy anytime. Hope you guys are excited about the fall season coming up and are enjoying the last weeks of summer!